First…I accidentally deleted an email…Some one who is doing Words to Live by emailed me for help with the ink pen….can you please email me again…sorry for being a pain!!!
Also on in the Inner border for the SBOW Sunflower Gatherings…I noted the 2×11″ fabrics for 4-patches and tell you to make XX amount but I never tell you to cut them down to 1 1/2″ like you have in all the other 196 that you have already made…sorry I just assumed by now you would know what to do with them…my bad…
I am working on my MODA blog post tonight as well as Part 4 for the SAL….it is looking awesome…
I am at the lakehouse and have a few pics of customer project to share on this computer…I know I have some more on my work computer for another time… If I shared any of these before I apologize…I can’t remember!!!! LB